Collection: Have a Nice Day

The Story Behind The Brand

While searching for cool trendy hats to wear, Jadon and her mom, Brandi, were disappointed with the selection. So often, the patch would come unglued, or the iron-on would start to peel off- and forget about washing them in the washing machine; that was a huge no no. So, after searching at boutiques and online, they decided to create their own, one that would pass their strict standards as customers themselves.

We decided to start with one hat and one message that fit both of our styles. We felt if they could create a hat that both wanted, then we knew it would be able to reach customers from both generations! Our nicknames inspire the brand name B & Bird; Brandi is often called “B,” Since birth, Jadon has been called “Bird.”

This hat is the real forerunner and the foundation of the collection we intend to create. It is designed to fit any adventure and protect your most precious skin from the sun while enjoying it.